Monday, November 21, 2011

Tips for checking the condition of your tyres

Tips for checking the condition of your tyres
By: Harri Barck

Here are three tips for making your car safer for winter drive and making wintertime driving more enjoyable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You should always follow the instructions and weather, and choose the right tyres accordingly. In Nordic countries, using winter tyres (in Finnish, talvirenkaat), is compulsory during the winter times, and the law sets the times when to use these tyres. There are some differences on this dates country by country, but for example in Finland it is compulsory to use winter tyres during December, January and February in every passenger car and van. studded tyres can be used from 1st November until Monday after Easter. These date limits are subject to change based on the weather outside: studded tyres are allowed at any time if the surface of the road is slippery or icy.

Winter tyres should be changed in good time and before witer really arrives. This requires following the weather forecasts and some anticipating. When winter is coming, nights get colder and the temperature can drop under zero degrees. That casually means the on morning times, the temperature can be near zero, which may affect to the surface of the streets and make them more slippery. Therefore it is advisable to change the tyres (In Finnish: renkaat) more in advance than little too late. According to the widely known misconception, winter tyres will be worn excessively if they are used on the bleak asphalt. That is incorrect: tyres will not be worn in week or two.

Check your tyres before changing them under your car. The basic check can be done home and without any special tools. Look first that there is no cracks, breaks or bulges on the face of the tyres. The second important issue to watch is that main tread should be at least 4 millimeters deep. For checking this you do not need to have gage instrument, since the depth of the tread can be easily checked with a matchstick. Put the matchstick in the tread; if the sulphur end is not to be seen, then the tread is deep enough.

Have a safe winter days driving with your car!!!!!!!!!
Do you want to know more about winter tyres (In Finnish: talvirenkaat) or tyres (In Finnish: renkaat) ?
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